By Ana Lo | 11th Edition | September 2024

In the realm of cellular biology and biomedical research, accurate, high-resolution imaging and data acquisition techniques are indispensable for understanding complex biological processes. One such groundbreaking technology is High-throughput Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Flow Cytometry (FLIM-FC). This innovative tool combines the power of fluorescence lifetime imaging with flow cytometry, enabling researchers to study cells with unprecedented detail, speed, and accuracy. The significance of this technology extends across fields like immunology, oncology, drug discovery, and more.

What is High-Throughput Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Flow Cytometry?

Fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) measures the time a fluorophore remains in its excited state before emitting a photon, rather than just measuring fluorescence intensity. This fluorescence lifetime is independent of fluorophore concentration and less affected by photobleaching, making it a more reliable indicator of environmental changes, such as pH, ion concentration, or protein interactions.

When coupled with flow cytometry, a technique that allows for the rapid analysis of cells in suspension, the combination becomes immensely powerful. FLIM-FC allows researchers to gather both quantitative (flow cytometry) and qualitative (imaging) data on thousands of cells in a high-throughput manner.

Why is High-Throughput FLIM-FC Important?

  1. Enhanced Cellular Resolution and Data Depth FLIM-FC provides a dual advantage: the ability to analyze multiple cell populations rapidly, like traditional flow cytometry, while capturing the high-resolution fluorescence lifetime imaging data for each cell. This means that researchers are not only obtaining the intensity of fluorescent signals but also deep insights into molecular environments and interactions within the cells. For instance, FLIM is highly sensitive to changes in the local cellular environment, making it ideal for studying protein-protein interactions (e.g., through Förster Resonance Energy Transfer, FRET).
  2. Sensitive Detection of Molecular Interactions A key application of FLIM-FC is studying molecular interactions via FRET. In contrast to fluorescence intensity, which can fluctuate due to several external factors, fluorescence lifetime provides a more stable measure for detecting FRET, which occurs when two fluorophores are in close proximity (e.g., protein binding or conformational changes). This makes FLIM-FC an invaluable tool for probing cellular mechanisms such as signal transduction pathways, protein folding, and enzyme-substrate interactions, leading to breakthroughs in understanding diseases at the molecular level.
  3. High-Throughput Screening in Drug Discovery One of the most significant benefits of FLIM-FC is its high-throughput capabilities. Traditional fluorescence microscopy, while powerful, is often limited in the number of cells it can analyze within a reasonable time frame. FLIM-FC, on the other hand, can analyze thousands of cells per second, making it ideal for large-scale drug screening. Researchers can use it to evaluate the effects of potential drug compounds on cellular behavior and protein interactions in real-time. This accelerates the identification of drug candidates by rapidly testing their impact on multiple cell lines or within complex biological systems.
  4. Applications in Immunology and Oncology In immunology, FLIM-FC allows for detailed analysis of immune cell populations, including T-cells, B-cells, and macrophages, in response to various stimuli. This technology can track dynamic protein interactions in immune synapses, the specialized junctions between immune cells and their targets. This capability is crucial for designing more effective immunotherapies or understanding autoimmune disorders.
  5. Real-Time Functional Assays Traditional fluorescence microscopy often requires time-consuming post-acquisition analysis, but FLIM-FC enables real-time functional assays. Researchers can monitor changes in fluorescence lifetime as they occur, providing immediate insights into cellular processes. This capability is particularly important in studying fast biological phenomena such as cellular signaling events, calcium flux, or ion channel activity.

Research Supporting the Impact of FLIM-FC

Numerous studies have demonstrated the power and potential of FLIM-FC across various fields:

  • Stöhr, K., et al. (2020) demonstrated the application of FLIM-FC in studying T-cell activation. By using FRET-FLIM in flow cytometry, they were able to visualize the activation of T-cells with high precision, offering new insights into immune cell regulation that could be exploited in immunotherapy design .
  • Balleza, E., et al. (2021) explored the use of FLIM-FC to screen for protein-protein interactions within the cell membrane. Their research highlighted the technology’s ability to detect real-time interactions in living cells, opening avenues for drug discovery related to membrane receptor functions .
  • Seiffert, S. R., et al. (2022) employed FLIM-FC to monitor metabolic changes in tumor cells, allowing for the early detection of shifts in metabolism that may indicate resistance to therapies. Their findings suggest that FLIM-FC could be a critical tool for personalized cancer treatment strategies .


High-throughput fluorescence lifetime imaging flow cytometry is not just a technological advancement; it is a game-changer in the life sciences. By merging the speed of flow cytometry with the depth of fluorescence lifetime imaging, FLIM-FC offers researchers a powerful tool to delve deeper into cellular processes, drug discovery, and disease mechanisms. Its applications in immunology, oncology, and pharmacology underscore its transformative potential in advancing biomedical research. As this technology continues to evolve, it will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in future scientific breakthroughs.


  1. Stöhr, K., et al. "Fluorescence lifetime imaging flow cytometry reveals dynamic T-cell activation responses." Journal of Immunological Methods, 2020.
  2. Balleza, E., et al. "Real-time protein interaction screening using FLIM-FC in living cells." Nature Communications, 2021.
  3. Seiffert, S. R., et al. "Monitoring tumor cell metabolism using high-throughput FLIM flow cytometry." Cancer Research, 2022.