IVIS Lumina S5 Imaging System--Certified with Warranty


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Pleasanton, CA


This system includes the Rodent Anesthesia system.

The IVIS® Lumina™ S5 high-throughput 2D optical imaging system combines high-sensitivity bioluminescence and fluorescence in a benchtop format. With an expanded 5 mouse field of view for 2D optical imaging plus our unique line of accessories to accelerate setup and labeling, it has never been easier or faster to get robust data- and answers- on anatomical and molecular aspects of disease.

Key Features:

  • High throughput (5 mouse) optical imaging
  • Supports mouse and rat imaging
  • Compute Pure Spectrum (CPS) spectral unmixing
  • Full fluorescence tunability through the NIR spectrum
  • Unique accessories to speed acquisition and analysis
  • Small footprint–sits on your benchtop


ManufacturerIVIS Lumina S5 Imaging System--Certified with Warranty